Applefest Eco-Bus Trip
SEP 19 2023 7:00 AM
Event Summary
Note: New registration link for 2023 Trips/programs. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER:
Enjoy the bountiful fruit of fall at the vintage apple orchards of Arbor Day Farm in Nebraska City. The day will begin with a tour of the historic J. Sterling Morton Mansion. Lunch is at the award winning Lied Lodge. Activities for the day include a Discovery Tractor Ride of the Arbor Day Farm, and Apple Harvest tour. Explore the Apple house and gift shop at the Arbor Day farm. End the day with a slice of fresh apple pie or an apple slushy.
Fee: $125, includes motorcoach transportation, lunch and tour fees.
Departure location TBD.
Registration Deadline: September 5.
Trip Cancellation Policy: Reservations are fully refundable prior to registration deadline. After deadline, registration may be refunded less the $10 cancellation fee if space can be filled. If the reserved space is not filled before the trip, no refund can be given.
*Please Note: Friends of Jester Park membership discount and Nature Pass does not apply to Eco-Bus Trips.
Adults - $125.00
Child - $125.00