Journey back in time to Jamesport - Trip is Full, add name to Waiting List!

Event Summary

Step back in time with Polk County Conservation as we visit the Amish and Mennonite community in Jamesport, MO.  Antique stores, quilt shop, Amish bakery, bulk food grocery and a quality furniture store are just a few of the places we will visit.  A luncheon buffett will be served at the Gingerich Dutch Pantry.

Fee: $60 includes motorcoach transportation, lunch and tour fees.  Depart from the Living History Farms SE Parking Lot, Urbandale, IA. 

Registration Deadline is April 10.

Trip Cancellation Policy: 

If the trip reservation is cancelled before the registration deadline the individual will be issued a full refund.  

If the trip reservation is cancelled after the registration deadline, the individual will be refunded payment  only if the  assigned space is re-reserved by another person.  The refund shall be the amount of the trip less a $10 cancellation fee.  If assigned space is not re-reserved, no refund will be given.

The trip reservation fee may also be transferred to another trip prior to the registration deadline providing the trip is not full. 


Adults - $60.00

