Voyagers: 5th & 6th Grade Camp
JUL 10 2018 9:00 AM
Event Summary
Registration for this camp is now closed. Please call 712-545-3283 for late registration information.
Designed for kids entering 5th and 6th grade and introduce campers to Arrowhead Park in Neola & Botna Bend Park in Hancock. This change in location gives our campers a chance to practice skills such as fishing, canoeing, & overnight camping.
This year we will be offering 3 days of fun. Camp begins on Tuesday, July 10th & will be at Arrowhead Park in Neola from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Campers will spend the first day camp canoeing and exploring Arrowhead Park's 17 acre lake. Please pack a sack lunch for the first day of camp. Campers return for another fun adventure on Wednesday July 11th to Botna Bend Park in Hancock. Campers are asked to arrive at 4:00 p.m. on July 11th for an overnight adventure at this picturesque park. Tents & food are provided, all a camper needs is a sleeping bag and a change of clothes. Parents may pick up their children at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday July 12th.
Voyagers Camp is $75.00 per camper & includes all activities & supplies. Campers will need to bring a sack lunch for the first day of camp & dinner is provided for the overnight stay.
Please download our 2018 Camper Waivers below and bring them on your first day of camp or return them via email to Rene Stroud, at
For your convenience we offer quick online registration or registration by phone or email. Questions? Email Naturalist Rene Stroud at or call 712-545-3283. We can't wait to see you this summer!
Child - $75.00
Youth Camps
Related Items
- 2018 Summer Camp Brochure
- 2018 Camper Waiver Form Please download & return prior to the first day of camp.