Hitch Hike
JUN 22 2010 7:00 PM
Event Summary
The second hike in our series will saunter south, through woodland areas to Badger Ridge, home of Hitchcock’s best prairie remnants. Discover purple coneflower and other early summer wildflowers. We will bring along aerial photos from 1938 and 2004 to demonstrate the changes on this part of the property. We invite the public to attend all of the hikes in the series. They are designed to introduce visitors to Hitchcock Nature Center as well as the Loess Hills. The series will start with a more moderate trail, and we will work our way towards a healthy, invigorating 2.5 mile hike to the most western edge of the preserve at the series’ end. Please join us in the fun! Check out www.pottcoconservation.com or call 712-545-3283 for more information. Cost is $2 per person and includes on-trail refreshments
Adults - $2.00
Child - $2.00