Bird Banding Demonstration

Event Summary

Come get a "bird's eye" view of our fine-feathered friends as you join volunteers for a live songbird banding at Hitchcock Nature Center.

Volunteers will be banding songbirds at the Loess Hills Lodge at Hitchcock Nature Center from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. on the following dates:

Saturday, February 3rd

Saturday, March 3rd

Saturday, April 7th

All ages are welcome to attend this live demonstration. 

Participants must purchase a $3.00 per vehicle daily entrance pass or have a Pottawattamie Conservation Foundation membership to attend this program. Daily entrance passes may be purchased with exact change or check at the front gate and may be purchased the day of the event. Annual memberships may be purchased for $20.00 from staff at any of our parks or at the Loess Hills Lodge at Hitchcock Nature Center during regular business hours. There is no additional fee to attend this program, free will donations are encouraged and will support continued programming opportunities in Pottawattamie County.

This event is not pet friendly, please leave your dogs at home. Service animals are always welcome.

Weather Permitting

2018 Programs Sponsored by the Pottawattamie Conservation Foundation 


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