The Last Rusty: 3rd & 4th Grade Camp

Event Summary

 Registration for this camp is now closed. Please call 712-545-3283 for late registration information. 

Designed for children who are entering 3rd or 4th grade campers will have the opportunity to develop their senses and outdoor learning as they navigate the natural world. 

Join forces with the brave Dump Busters to track down and save The Last Rusty and thwart the environmental destroyers in our midst. The Last Rusty Camp is a three day camp, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., June 26th - 28th. Camp will be held at Hitchcock Nature Center and cost is $75.00 per camper/per camp session & includes all activities, supplies & a snack. Campers must provide a sack lunch for each day of camp.

Please download our 2018 Camper Waiver below and bring them on your first day of camp or return them via email to Rene Stroud, at

For your convenience we offer quick online registration or registration by phone or email. Questions? Email Naturalist Rene Stroud at or call 712-545-3283. We can't wait to see you this summer!


Child - $75.00


Youth Camps

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