Event Summary

Join Naturalist & experienced Native Earth Skills practitioner Dustin Clayton on Saturday, November 3rd from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. at Hitchcock Nature Center as he discusses and demonstrates common skills and techniques of eastern Nebraska and western Iowa's native cultures.

This event will focus on native cultures' historic and pre-historic reliance on, and relationship with, the earth and its natural resources, and will feature a guided hike discussing seasonally available resources as well as live demonstrations of flintknapping, cordage, woodworking and more. Participants will have the opportunity to receive hands-on introductory instruction on a variety of native earth based skills while learning about cultures that inhabited our area prior to and just after Euro-American settlement. 

Please note: This program will involve pedestrian travel over rugged Loess Hills terrain at Hitchcock Nature Center and may be difficult at times. This program is being offered as part of our adult education programming, we ask that participants be 14 years of age or older. 

The fee for this program is $10.00 per person and pre-registration is required as space is extremely limited. Please call 712-545-3283 for more information, registrations will not be taken over the phone.

While this event is human friendly it is not pet friendly. Please leave your canine friends at home. Service animals are always welcome.

Weather permitting. 


Adults - $10.00

