Backpacking 101
SEP 14 2018 6:30 PM
Event Summary
Join experienced educator Laura Friesell & Pottawattamie County Conservation for a 4-part series of classes designed for hikers and outdoor enthusiasts with limited backpacking experience.
This program will be held from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. on September 14th, September 28th, & October 12th at Hitchcock Nature Center. The final class session will be an overnight backpacking excursion held on October 26th at Hitchcock Nature Center. This program is being presented as part of our adult education program, participants must be age 15 & over to participate.
By the end of the series, students will have acquired the knowledge, skills, and hands-on experience to plan and execute memorable backcountry trips. This series will provide a foundation upon which more advanced backpacking skills can be built and will culminate in a guided overnight backpacking trip at Hitchcock Nature Center's backcountry campsites.
This series will focus on 4-season backpacking (including cold-weather backpacking) covering skills including:
- Leave No Trace Principles
- The 10 Essentials
- Campsite Set-Up & Preparation
- Plants & Animals
- Gear Overview - Tech & Specs
- Understanding Body Heat & Layering
- Meal Planning & Cooking
The cost for the entire 4-part series is $50.00 per student. Online pre-registration is required for this program as space is limited. If minimum registration numbers are not reached by September 10th this program will be cancelled and refunds issued. Register online in minutes using the link below. For more information please call 712-545-3283, registration will not be taken over the phone.
The series will be held from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. on the dates below:
- September 14th
- September 28th
- October 12th
- The final session, the guided overnight will be held on October 26th at Hitchcock Nature Center. Meeting time for the final session will be discussed during the preceding class sessions.
A limited amount of equipment will be available for students to borrow from Pottawattamie County Conservation. Students may also rent equipment from UNO's Outdoor Venture Center or purchase equipment at a discount from Backwoods Omaha with the assistance of our program instructor. Click here for a list of necessary & suggested gear for this program.
Dates are subject to change, weather permitting.
Adults - $50.00