Hitchcock Oak Inventory Project: Training Session 3
SEP 21 2019 12:00 PM
Event Summary
The sprawling mighty oak tree remains a symbol of the American Midwest but a new, swift, and little understood disease has recently emerged in our area with the potential to eliminate these iconic trees from our landscape. Join us at Hitchcock Nature Center to be a part of a new volunteer project aimed at understanding and alleviating the effects of this new threat.
We will be hosting a series of three training sessions aimed at training those interested in joining this unique volunteer program. Each training will be held at Hitchcock Nature Center from 12:00 to 4:00 p.m. on the following dates.
Training Session 1 - Saturday, April 6th
Training Session 2 - Saturday, June 22nd
Training Session 3 - Saturday, September 21st
Training sessions will cover a variety of topics & include field training sessions to help volunteers practice their skills & become independent project volunteers. Topics covered will include the project & field data collection app, oak ecology, & oak fire wounds. Portions of the training will occur out of doors and off-trail, so please dress appropriately.
Participants will need to provide their own smartphone for data collection and must be willing to download and install the project and data collection application for use. The app is available for both iPhone & Android users. Participants are also asked to dress for the weather including appropriate footwear for outdoor terrain. A notebook, water bottle and snack are also recommended.
Due to the paperwork needed to register new participants we are asking that interested parties register online in advance. There is no fee to attend these training sessions & participants do not need to purchase a park entry pass. We appreciate your volunteer service.
Pottawattamie County Conservation's Hitchcock Oak Inventory Project is a truly original volunteer-led citizen science effort. The project aims to support researchers' effort to better understand the dramatic decline and mortality of oaks observed throughout our region. Additionally the project helps ensure that current and future generations of oaks remain part of the Hitchcock Nature Center landscape through volunteer-led protection & planting.
While the project will benefit most from dedicated participants project volunteers are not required to attend all three sessions, though it is recommended. Hitchcock Oak Inventory Project participants are asked to register as volunteers of Pottawattamie County Conservation, including a background check & complete necessary participation waivers. Participants should note this project will require pedestrian travel over difficult terrain. Accordingly this project may be challenging for young children and those with restricted mobility.
The Hitchcock Oak Inventory Project is proudly funded by the Resource Enhancement and Protection Conservation Education Program (REAP CEP).
The Pottawattamie County Conservation Board does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, or other legally protected status in its employment, programs, or activities. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding non-discrimination policies: Human Resources Director 227 S. 6th Street, Council Bluffs, IA 51501
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