Annual Fall HawkWatch Festival
SEP 26 2009 12:00 PM
Event Summary
Join HawkWatchers and keep your eyes on the skies for migrating raptors. Event will include a Hawk Identification presentation by Mike Havlik of the Des Moines Y Camp. This fast-paced class has every participant making their own field guide to hawks in flight. An excellent introduction for beginners or a refresher for hard core birders. Event will also include live raptor demonstrations by Raptor Recovery Nebraska, hawkwatching, children's activities, hikes in the Loess Hills, and refreshments.
During the 2008 season, hawkwatchers counted over 10,000 migrating raptors. Come out and see them for yourself! Cost:$3.00 per person, children 5 and under admitted free.
Adults - $3.00
Child - $3.00