KinderNature Camp: Wild Webbed Feet - Afternoon Session

Event Summary

Dive into the world of wild webbed feet as we play duck games, learn the beaver tail slap, & listen for frog calls. 

KinderNature Preschool camps at Hitchcock Nature Center are designed for children ages 3 (third birthday on or before 5/1/16), 4 and 5 (who have not completed Kindergarten). KinderNature programs are designed to channel the curious and creative forces constantly at work in our youngest learners. These programs utilize storytelling and hands-on activities, as well as outdoor exploration that invites children to participate in the magic and wonder of nature. KinderNature camps feature two sessions per camp day, please choose either the morning or afternoon session, children may not participate in both.


Camp Registration Fees are due within two weeks of the confirmed reservation. If a camper must cancel a reservation prior to the beginning of camp, they are required to notify the Pottawattamie County Conservation Education Staff immediately. A refund of the registration fee will be based upon the following schedule:

14 days (or more) notice.......................................50% refund

13-8 days notice..................................................................25% refund

7 days or less refund


Child - $15.00


Youth Camps

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