KinderNature Camp: August 4th
AUG 04 2017 9:00 AM
Event Summary
Geared toward our youngest campers, children ages 3, 4 and 5 who have not completed Kindergarten yet. Campers must be 3 years old by May 1st of current camp year. Join us for KinderNature Camp: Queen Elsa & Princess Anna Discover the Frozen Summer.
KinderNature camps are offered in 5 day series from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Register your child for all 5 sessions or just a few! KinderNature Camps are $15.00 per camper/per camp and include all activities, supplies, & a snack. All KinderNature Camps will be held at Hitchcock Nature Center. KinderNature Camp is offered June 12th through 16th & again from July 31st through August 4th. Pick the sessions that fit your schedule.
Please download our 2017 Information Packet, Camper Information Form, & Camper Waivers below and bring them on your first day of camp or return them via email to Rene Stroud, at
For your convenience we offer quick online registration or registration by phone or email. Questions? Email Naturalist Rene Stroud at or call 712-545-3283. We can't wait to see you this summer!
Child - $15.00
Youth Camps