Speaker Series: Loess Hills & Scenic Byway Art
JUL 08 2021 7:00 PM
Pottawattamie County Conservation Office , Pottawattamie County
Event Summary
Kathy will guide our exploration of Iowa's Loess Hills through art and storytelling using the lenses of archaeological, geological and fossil records!
Kathy devotes much of her time researching and painting the Loess Hills National Scenic Byway from the perspective of archaeological, geological and fossil records. Most of her Loess Hills paintings depict 13,000-5,000 years ago. She also paints nature scenes including sunsets and sunrises, trees and Iowa landscapes.
This program will be held in Meeting Room B at the Council Bluffs Public Library, located at 400 Willow Avenue in Council Bluffs, Iowa. This event is free, pre-registration is required to attend as space is limited. This program is part of our adult education programming, we ask that participants be age 14 & over please. For questions not answered online please call 712-545-3283.
The 2021 Speaker Series is a programming series, held in partnership with the Council Bluffs Public Library, designed for teens & adults to provide them with an opportunity to learn from and interact with various authorities in the fields of conservation & environmental science.
Programs are free & will last approximately 1 hour. Free will donations are gratefully accepted and will support continued programming opportunities in Pottawattamie County.
Pottawattamie Conservation has received a grant award of $ 1,350.00 from Humanities Iowa, a state-based affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities, in support of a project called “Speakers Series 2020 - 2021”.