Magical Time on Nebraska's "Crane River" with Ron Cisar

Event Summary

Each year a world-class spectacle graces the heartland of Central Nebraska. Over 500,000 lesser sandhill cranes spend four to six weeks along the Platte River during their spring migration. Join Ron Cisar as he explores the biology and ecology of this ancient bird that has been a part of our Midwestern fauna for thousands of years.

This is an in-person program to be held in Meeting Room B at the Council Bluffs Public Library. If you’re not fully vaccinated, please wear a mask for in-person events and programs.

We will also stream this program through Zoom for those who are unable to attend in-person. Please click here to register in advance.

The 2020/2021 Speaker Series is a programming series, held in partnership with the Council Bluffs Public Library, designed for teens & adults to provide them with an opportunity to learn from and interact with various authorities in the fields of conservation & environmental science.

Pottawattamie Conservation has received a grant award of $ 1,350.00 from Humanities Iowa, a state-based affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities, in support of a project called “Speakers Series 2020 – 2021”.

