Mushroom Education Class
APR 30 2022 2:00 PM
Event Summary
Ringgold County Conservation is excited to present mushroom expert Jess for an amazing opportunity to learn all about our edible fungi!!
The elusive morel mushroom is a sought after spring time delicacy, but did you know there are other mushrooms and plants that can be foraged? Join Naturalist and fungi enthusiast Jess Lancial, to learn some tips and tricks for finding morel mushrooms, and how to distinguish them from false morels and other look alikes. We will also discover other fungi and plants that can be foraged in the spring. We might even meet some newly trained mushroom sniffing pooches, who can do the hard work of finding morels for us! Be dressed to go off trail in the woods (long pants and close-toed shoes will be a must!). We ask that participants please do NOT bring their own dogs along, as it will distract the working dogs.
Join us on April 30th from 2:00-4:00pm at the Dragoon Trace Nature Center! Register early as space is limited for this FREE program sponsored by the Ringgold County Hospital!
Please register by calling the Ringgold County Conservation office at 641-464-2787 or email us at by April 25th.
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