12th Annual Prairie Chicken Day
APR 04 2015 6:00 AM
Event Summary
12th Annual Prairie Chicken Day
Saturday April 4, 2015
Kellerton Grasslands Bird Conservation Area
Schedule 6:00 a.m. - ?
Prairie Chicken viewing will take place from dawn until the chickens leave the booming grounds. The viewing platform is located two miles west of Kellerton IA on Hwy 2 and 1 mile south on 300th Ave. DNR personnel will be on hand to answer your questions. A commercial spotting scope and a limited number of binoculars will be available for your use but it is recommended that you bring your own binoculars or spotting scope if possible as the birds will be about 200 yards away.
Coffee, Juice and donuts will be available at the viewing stand.
Contact Info: Grand River Wildlife Unit 641-783-2166 or Ringgold CCB - 641-464-2787
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