Winter Festival
JAN 31 2016 2:00 PM
Event Summary
Join the Conservation Board and Foundation for a fun winter event!! We will have our main event, a sled building contest. (sleds should be prepared at home and brought ready to race to event.) A snowman building contest, hot chocolate and other fun games!
Get outside and beat the winter blues at this exciting winter event. All proceeds will benefit the nature center project.
Cardboard Sled Building Contest
Fogle Lake Recreation Area - Diagonal, Iowa
January 31, 2016 at 2:00 – 4:00 PM
Design Guidelines:
1) Only regular cardboard, duct tape, household garbage bag, paint, markers and crayons can be used in construction of cardboard sleds.
2) Sleds cannot be wrapped in plastic or shrink wrapped
3) No wood, glue, industrial adhesives, staples, rope o...r wire will be permitted on sled.
4) Keep design family friendly. No profanity allowed.
Race Rules:
1) Participants must wear helmets. Bike helmets are ok. Costumes welcome!
2) Push starts only, no running starts.
3) Maximum of 3 participants per sled. 2 riders/1 push starter.
4) All sleds, parts and participants must cross the finish line.
5) $20 entry fee for each team
6) Fogle Lake Rec Area – participants meet at lake shelter house
Race Categories:
1) Ages 12 and Under
2) Ages 13 and Over
1) 2 sleds race in each heat. The winner of each heat goes back to the starting line for elimination heats after all sleds in the category have run their first heat.
2) Judging for Best in Show for each age group will occur before the race and awards will be presented after the event. 3) Awards will be given to the champion and runner-up for each age group and for best in show and will be presented at the conclusion of the event
Special Events