Ringneck Rendezvous- 2018

Event Summary

Click here to register for Ringneck Rendezvous 

All youths and family with youth between the age 5 and 16 are invited to the Rock Valley Gun Club August 4, 2018 for a fun filled evening of outdoor fun! Those ages 8 years and under must have an adult present during event. This fun filled night will be from 4-8:30 pm, registration will close at 5:30 pm. Youth are invited to take their rooster bucks (received at registration) and play outdoor themed carnival games, experience and brush up on your bb gun, archery, and sling shot skills. We will have our closing program presented by the Royal Gauntlet, followed by the grand prizes of the night.

There is a $10 registration fee per person (youth and adult), registration is required before Wednesday, August 1, 2018. Please click here to register.

Registration includes: rooster bucks, water bottle, bag, optional Ringneck Membership (additional fee applies), and entry to all door prizes. First 400 kids will be accepted. Event cosponsored with Sioux Prairie Pheasants Forever and Iowa DNR.

Click here to Register.


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