Outdoor Skills Day 2019
JUN 06 2019 8:30 AM
Event Summary
Join us Thursday June 6, 2019 for a family fun day. Registration will start at 8:30 am with station starting approximately at 9 am. Days event will conclude at 4 pm. All ages are welcome to attend youth 8 years of age and under must have an adult present. Registration will occur at the open picnic shelters near the pond at Sandy Hollow Recreation Area. Sessions being planned for the day may include: shotgun shooting, air rifles, archery, outdoor cooking, canoeing, kayaking, improving other outdoor skills and much more! This event is cosponsored with 4-H Extension and Sioux County Sportsmen's Club. Lunch is included, bring your own water-bottle, sunscreen and insect repellent for the day. There is no cost to attend event. Must preregister for this event online only, first 270 kids will be accepted.
Please print a copy of the parent permission slip for children that will be attending. May place all children from same family on one form.
Note: Due to flooding this event has been moved to Sandy Hollow Recreation Area.Category
Special Events