Cooking with Creation 2021
AUG 02 2021 6:30 PM
Event Summary
Cookbook Number 2 (Different than 2019's course)
Take a bite on the wild side! Join us for a hands-on cooking experience with some of the edible plants found in nature! From yummy yarrow omelet to savory stinging nettle hash browns, explore how these foods allow you to be nourished through nature!
Grab a cooking partner (adults only) and register online today! Due to the nature of the program, the first 16 adults who register will be able to participate. We will prepare a variety of appetizers, allowing you to sample a little of each!
The program will be held from 6:30-8:00 PM at the Prairie Woods Nature Center. Small registration fee to help cover the cost of food sample supplies.
Registration opens approximately two months before event and ends at 11:00 the day before event. Please call the day of for openings.
Adults - $10.00