Guest Speaker: Paul Brooke 3 Sessions
JUN 08 2024 10:00 AM
Event Summary
The Sioux County Conservation Foundation is happy to host Paul Brooke at the Prairie Woods Nature Center. Paul Brooke is a poet, photographer and professor at Grand View University in Des Moines, IowaBrooke is the author of seven books including Jaguars of the Northern Pantanal, Sirens and Seriemas: Photographs and Poems of the Amazon and Pantanal, The Skáld and the Drukkin Tröllaukin: Photographs and Poems of Iceland, and Light and Matter: Photographs and Poems of Iowa. His photographs have been featured in nine exhibits across North America and in Audubon and Wild Planet magazines.
Three different topics to choose from. Attend one or all!
Walking with Pumas 10:00-11:30
Come walk with pumas. Dr. Brooke will take you on a journey as he spent deep time with pumas while in Chile. Since he is a photographer, he got very up close and personal with these amazing cats. His guide also took short videos so you could see how close he got to the pumas. He will teach you about their behavior, show you other wildlife in the region (Chilean Flamingos, South American foxes, Darwin's Rhea, Guanacos, etc.), and tell you about photographing in challenging conditions (over 50 mph winds many days).
Picnic with the Artist/Author 11:30
This is your opportunity to bring your lunch and picnic with the artist/author at the Prairie Woods Nature Center!
Jaguars of the Pantanal 12:30-2:00
Dr. Brooke with his co-author Paul Donahue wrote a definitive book on jaguars. This 350-page book, Jaguars of the Pantanal, is considered a foundation of understanding about jaguar behavior and family lineage. He will share stories and photographs, teaching you how to identify these cats from their spot patterns. He will also share some of the prey items and images from photographers from all over the world who shared in creating this project.
Preregistration highly encouraged.