Family Fishing Clinic- Sandy Hollow- Rescheduled to Mon June 24 at 6pm
JUN 24 2013 6:00 PM
Event Summary
All ages are welcomed! (8 years & under must have an adult present) Join the Sioux County Conservation Board, the Sioux Center Wal-Mart, and the Sioux County Sportsmen’s Club at the Sandy Hollow pond near Sioux Center for a fun-filled evening of fishing instruction, fishing, prizes, casting contest, and giveaways. Clinic will start at 6pm with lunch provided and prizes to be won. Those 16 years of age and older must have a valid fishing license to actively fish. Fishing poles are available for use or bring your own and a chair to sit on. No cost, weather cancelations listen to KSOU 93.9 FM. Must pre-register for event, please note in comment section if need fishing pole when you registering online.
Notice date and time change: June 24, starting at 6 pm at the Sandy Hollow pond.
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