Hunter Education
AUG 12 2015 9:00 AM
Event Summary
The Sioux County Conservation Board will be hosting their annual Hunter Education course August 12 at the Oak Grove Lodge. Class will be from 9 am- 7 pm. Must attend full day. Class is open to those 11 years of age and over and is require to purchase your hunting license. Interested in attending the class you must sign up by going to the following web site: Once you are on the site fill in the town you are taking the class at and the month of the class in the search bar. This will bring you to the page to select the class you wish to take. Follow the instructions to register for the class. After you are signed up for the class you will need to pick up a Hunter Education Manual from either the Public Library either in Hawarden, Orange City, Sioux Center, or Rock Valley. Prior to class day you will need to complete the review questions in the Manual and bring the manual and questions with you to class. Class will cover firearm safety, hunting ethics, first aid, hunting laws, and much more. Students will need sack lunch and snacks for the day.
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