Advanced Trapshooting Youth Clinic
AUG 04 2015 9:00 AM
Event Summary
Advanced Trapshooting Youth Clinic for those 12-18 years old (Must have Hunters Safety Certificate). Bring your shotgun, shells and join the Sioux County Conservation Board at the Ireton Sportsman’s Club for a morning of practicing and improving shooting skills. The clinic is from 9 am-12pm on August 4 and will help shooters improve skills that include patterning a shotgun, learning where you are missing, how to shoot with both eyes open and how to hit more targets in the long run. Bring your own shotgun and two boxes of shells. DNR guns are available for use if notified ahead of time. Also bring a snack, lunch, water and proof of Hunters Safety. Located at the Ireton Sportsman’s Club, which is just west of town. Clinic instructed by Hunter Safety Instructor and Collegiate Trap shooter. Limited to 10 youth shooters, must pre-register for event online. Questions about event call Sunday Ford at 712-552-3057.
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