Outdoor Exploration Hike and Craft

Event Summary

Have you ever gone on a walk and wished you knew the name of a plant? Come join us for a guided family-friendly stroll through Oak Grove, where we will explore the beautiful prairie, investigate the pond life, and enjoy hiking through the forest.  This fun nature walk will begin at the bath house in Deer Run Campground on August 9th from 9:30-11:30, with lunch from 11:30-12:00.  Following the hike, we will enjoy a nature craft with a few of the plants and treasures that we find along the hike.  Please feel free to bring a sack lunch and join us for a picnic after the hike and craft.  Pre-registration required for event, for questions or more information, please call 712-552-3057.  Listen to 93.9 FM for cancellations, the event will not be rescheduled. ​

