Ringneck Rendezvous- 2017
AUG 05 2017 4:00 PM
Event Summary
Those age 5-16 are invited to join the Sioux Prairie Pheasants Forever Chapter, Sioux County Conservation Board, Rock Valley Gun Club, and the Iowa DNR on August 5, 2017 for a fun evening of outdoor experiences. Those 5-8 years of age must have an adult present. All adults welcome with preregistration. $10 registration fee for all youth and adults attending event. Cost helps cover cost of meal and event. Activities being planned for the evening include: trap shooting (ages 12 and over), BB guns, archery, sling shots, games; door prizes, education sessions; and meal. Our evening entertainment will be provided by: Royal Gauntlet Raptors, featuring rehabilitator, Bob Aanonsen from Oklahoma.
Preregistration required by August 2, 2017. Individuals registered will receive: meal, optional ringneck membership (additional $5 fee), bag, and more. Many prizes to be won!
Click here to preregister for event.
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