Trick or Treat Night

OCT 23 2020 5:00 PM

Dakins Lake , Story County

Event Summary

Registration is not required. 

Attention Campers

1. Store bought and sealed candy only. Place in bowl on table towards end of campsite - camper will maintain 6' from participants.

2. Must sign waiver to participate - see host

3. After waiver is signed, camper will receive one free night of camping

4. Camper must be outside from 5-7 p.m., if participating

5. Decorations are encouraged! An additional free night will be awarded to best decorated campsite

Attention Trick or Treaters

1. Practice social distancing and wear a face mask if unable to maintain 6' of distance between groups.

2. Participating campers will have a table with bowl at the end of their campsites

3. Trick or treat hours are 5-7 p.m.

4. Please vote for the best decorated campsite at the camp host site #30 before leaving!


Our top priority has been and will continue to be the health and well-being of the public and the staff. In response to the ongoing development of COVID-19, Story County Conservation programs will adhere to social distancing, smaller group size, increased sanitation and face coverings mandatory when social distancing is not possible or while indoors. Pre-registration will be required when group size needs to be limited due to the facility or location. 

