Trick-or-Treat Night

OCT 16 2021 5:00 PM

Hickory Grove Park , Story County

Event Summary

Trick-or-treat through Breezy Bay campground at Hickory Grove Park!

Details for the evening:
1. Practice social distancing and wear a face mask if unable to maintain 6’ of distance between groups.
2. Participating campsites will earn a free night of camping. Note - campers need to sign a waiver at the camp host site in order to participate.
3. All treats must be store-bought and individually wrapped. Each participating campsite must leave treats in a bowl/other container at the end of their site.
3. Trick-or-treat hours are 5-7pm. Participating campers must stay outside during this time but maintain 6' distance from trick-or-treaters.
4. Participating campers are also encouraged to decorate their site! Please vote for the best decorated campsite with the camp host (site #1) before leaving, as an additional free night of camping will be awarded!

