O.W.L.S. - Public Art and the Tradition of Campus Aesthetics

APR 02 2019 11:00 AM

McFarland Park , Story County

Event Summary

Public Art and the Tradition of Campus Aesthetics presented by Nancy Gebhart. University Museums’ staff will talk about several works of art on ISU’s campus and the aesthetic campus tradition at Iowa State,beginning with art by Grant Wood and Christian Petersen and including some of the newest additions to the collection by nationally and internationally recognized artists. Following the talk, you will be given a map to take a self-guided art walk around campus and experience the public art collection for yourself.

O.W.L.S. (Older, Wiser, Livelier, Seniors) programs are designed for "boomers" or older, but anyone is welcome to attend.  These free programs are held the first Tuesday of each month beginning at 11:00 a.m. at the Story County Conservation Center (56461 180th Street, Ames).  An optional $7.50 luncheon follows the program at 12 noon.  No registration is required to attend the free program. - Registration and payment for the optional meal is required by 4:00 p.m. on Friday, March 29, 2019.

Menu: Chicken Marsala, red potatoes, salad,dinner roll, and cheesecake


Adults - $7.50

Child - $7.50

