OWLS (Older Wiser Livelier Souls): Raptors of Iowa

JUN 02 2022 10:30 AM

McFarland Park , Story County

Event Summary

Hawks…birds of prey…raptors…no matter what you call them, this group of predatory birds is fascinating to watch and study. From the giant bald eagle to the petite American kestrel, Iowa’s raptors exhibit surprising diversity in what they look like, what they eat, when they’re active and where they live. This program by Iowa DNR Wildlife Diversity Biologist Stephanie Shephard is a tour through Iowa’s many species of raptorial birds including some tips on how to identify some of the more common species and details on these amazing birds’ life history.  

These free programs are held the first Thursday of the month from 10:30 to 11:30 AM.  Doors open at 10:00 AM for coffee/tea and chatting. 

All ages welcome, but program focused more toward adults. 

