Invasive Garlic Mustard Removal
MAY 04 2023 9:00 AM
Event Summary
Join Story County Conservation in improving the natural habitat of East Peterson Park! Join us for a volunteer invasive species removal event.
Garlic mustard is a rapidly-spreading invasive species that can quickly overrun a woodland area, deteriorating the health of the ecosystem in Iowa's woodlands. Introduced from Europe in the mid-1800s, this plant forms dense blankets on the forest floor which crowds out native vegetation.
The good news is that the control method is pretty simple - just pull it! We need lots of hands to wrangle these weeds at East Peterson Park before they start dispersing seeds, which happens in May/June. This is an easy task for all ages – children are encouraged to join!
Volunteers should wear long pants, long sleeves, and sturdy, closed-toe shoes.
By registering ahead, we’re able to contact you in case of bad weather cancellation.
Register here:
For more background info and a sneak-peek at what you'll be doing, check out this video:
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