O.W.L.S. Series - Mahaska Mammoths

JUN 13 2018 11:00 AM

Otter Creek Lake & Park , Tama County

Event Summary

Older, Wiser, Livelier, Souls is a fun way to get out of the house, learn about nature, and enjoy the company of friends.  Join Tama County Conservation on the 2nd Wednesday of each month our interesting lineup of  O.W.L.S. speakers. Presentations will start at 11 and a light lunch will follow the program (around noon). This series is designed for seniors but all adults are welcome. Free-will donations will be accepted to cover costs for lunch and guest speakers.

June Topic - Mahaska Mammoths. Step back in time and imagine Iowa 12,000 years ago, when spruce and fir trees covered the ground and wooly mammoths roamed the landscape. In 2010 an Oskaloosa, Iowa man and his sons discovered part of an Ice Age mammoth skeleton while hunting for berries on their land. In 2015, archaeologists discovered the site contained parts of at least 3 different wooly mammoths. Join Mahaska County Conservation Naturalist Laura DeCook to learn about the life of these huge mammals. Laura will share her experiences digging at the excavation site and what the discoveries tell us about Iowa history. We will meet at the nature center at Otter Creek Lake & Park.

Please pre-register by the day before by calling or emailing Logan at (641)484-2231 or lroberts@tamacounty.org

