O.W.L.S. Presentation-By Foot: My Time on the Appalachian Trail by Toni Proescholdt
APR 07 2017 10:30 AM
Event Summary
The O.W.L.S. (Older, Wiser, Livelier Souls) Program Series is an ongoing, monthly event brought to you by Tama County Conservation Board. The O.W.L.S. program on Friday, April 7th will be held at the Otter Creek Lake & Park Nature Center at 10:30 AM. April’s presentation is by Teri Proescholdt of Lamoille, IA called “By Foot: My Time on the Appalachian Trail”. Toni graduated from Iowa State University with a degree in Biology in 2014. Since then she has worked as a field research technician in Grand Teton National Park studying butterflies. Starting in March 2016 Toni hiked the Appalachian Trail (AT) from Georgia to Maine over a 5 month and 10-day period. Toni’s presentation will cover the AT itself, aspects of life on the trail and her personal experiences during her hike.
A light soup lunch will be served for those that register in advance. This O.W.L.S. presentation is free.
Tama County Conservation Board and the Otter Creek Lake & Park Nature Center are located at , 2283 Park Road, Toledo, IA 52342. To register for this presentation, email the TCCB Naturalist at canderson@tamacounty.org or call 641-484-2231.