- Murray, IA
Garfield Park Shelter
The Garfield Park Shelter is a newly constructed open air shelter in 2020. There is electricity available for use at the shelter and it has lights for evening use. There is a pit latrine located near the shelter.
Check-In / Out Availability Check-in is after 06:00 AM and check-out is before 10:00 AM.
Location Garfield Park Shelter is located approximately 1/2 mile west of Afton on Filmore Street. The address for this park is 2371 190th St. Afton, Iowa 50830.
Garfield Park Shelter is available to reserve for $20/day.
Hours of Operation & Seasons
This shelter is available to use year round.
2371 190th St.
Ph: 641-347-5100
Afton, IA, 50830
There are no closures at this time.
Where You'll Be
Union County
Notice to Cabin Users and Campers
Three Mile Lake is scheduled to be drawn down 12’ starting shortly after Sept. 1 of 2023 for in-lake work on the sediment control basin, the placement of rip rap along the lake’s shoreline, and fish habitat work. The lake will still be accessible via the middle lane at the main boat ramp. Surface area of the lake will reduced. Construction is expected to be complete by the spring of 2025. Scheduling on this project is tentative and may change. Please visit this website for updates
The Union County Conservation Board is located in south-central Iowa and his home to the 3350-acre Three Mile Lake Recreation Area. The Union County Conservation Board manages a total of 9 parks, recreation, and wildlife areas encompassing 3,790 acres about the county. Cabin reservation are made through this website by going to the FACILITIES tab to the left. To make a cabin reservation for January or February, call our office at 641-347-5100.