OCT 23 2025 7:00 PM
Event Summary
Lo and behold, another mystery doth unfold at the American Gothic House Center! This experience, much like an escape room, stands alone, wherein no prior participation is needed. Unravel the crime through the solving of puzzles, the deciphering of clues, and the joining of forces in teams. A prize shall be bestowed upon the victors! To partake, thou must preregister at MyCountyParks by the 16th day of October, before the hour of 4:00 PM. The fee is $30 per team, with a limit of five teams, each no larger than six members. Each team must include at least one child of ten years or older, and one adult of eighteen years or more. Refreshments shall be provided. Should the session be filled, be sure to place thy group upon the waitlist, for another session may yet be opened should demand warrant it. A guide for beginners, to aid in thy quest for victory, is posted upon the website. This event doth precede the Gothic Area Renaissance Faire, which shall be held on the 25th and 26th days of October upon the hallowed grounds of the Wapello County Fairgrounds within the realm of Eldon.
** To make the “knight” even more fun- come dressed in a Renaissance-style costume!
Scan the QR code found on the right of this screen, above the "Location," and click the arrow on the image OR click this link REGISTER to complete registration. Activity: Mystery. Amount $30.
To ensure your registration, you must complete BOTH of these steps: 1. Register on this platform even though the amount due shows $0 or says "FREE" (it's not). AND 2. Payment is NOT through this website but is payable through scanning the QR code or clicking on the online registration link (see preceding paragraph).
Beginner’s Guide to Winning the Game:
1. The game is similar to an escape room, not a board game, so don’t get frustrated.
2. Choose your team wisely. The total number of players allowed is 6. Being part of a group doesn’t mean you have to be a jack-of-all-trades to win. Successful teams have quick thinkers and those with a keen eye for detail. Remember, there might be more than one path to the end of the game.
3. Listen closely to the story as well as to the rules of the game. Setup often gives you a sense of what you need to accomplish and may offer clues that will be helpful later. Get in the zone by looking at the puzzles from different perspectives.
4. When you first begin the game, identify the objects and make a mental note of them. This will help you identify the steps needed to move forward, or in some cases, backward.
5. Don’t waste valuable time dwelling on irrelevant things. Keep moving forward but come back to something when it’s necessary.
6. Communication is key! Talk to your team and let them know what you are thinking.
7. Keep your work area organized and in one spot. Work efficiently.
8. The answer is always there. Remember- most of the time solutions are simpler than you think. Don’t be afraid to ask for hints.
9. Beware of red herrings- they are purposely placed to confuse you but don’t have anything to do with the game’s outcome.
10. Games vary- some are chronological while others are not. Be sure to ask if the intent isn't clear.