FWCC Osprey 5K Trail Run/Walk

Event Summary

Get your morning workout in at the Friends of Warren County Conservation Board Osprey 5K Trail Run. Run or walk the trails of the Annett Nature Center. All proceeds benefit new educational exhibits at the nature center.
Register at http://getmeregistered.com/Osprey5KTrailRun Or mail in Osprey 5K 2021 Form with payment to 15565 118th Ave, Indianola, IA 50125. The cost is $30 by April 1, 2021 and $35 after April 1, 2021.
All participants will receive a finishers medal, long sleeve tech shirt and refreshments.  Packet pick up will be April 10, 2021 at 8AM-8:45AM at Annett Nature Center.
Virtual Option:If you decide you would rather run virtually register at the above link, then email karenjohlas-szalkowski@warrenccb.org or call 515-961-6169 to arrange for contactless packet pick up at Annett Nature Center. Race packets will not be ready until the first week of April as that is when the shirts & medal will arrive.

Covid-19 Precautions: Due to Covid-19 we are requiring that you wear a mask before and after the race. While running please social distance yourself from others. Runners will be socially distanced and start every 10 seconds to allow for extra spacing. There will be a timer at the start for your reference.SponsorsWant to be a sponsor of this event? Please email karenjohlas-szalkowski@warrenccb.org

Sponsors help offset the costs of the race and allow for more funds to go directly towards exhibits at Annett Nature Center.


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