Women In The Outdoors
JUN 13 2009 8:00 AM
Event Summary
Would you like to meet other women with similar interests, attend classes to learn new skills and enhance older ones, or just kick back in the great outdoors? Well then this is the event for you. Grab your hiking boots and get ready for an exciting day in the outdoors. With ten sessions to choose from, the hardest part will be deciding which to attend. Women ages 14 and older are invited to participate in this event. Bring along your best friend, sister, mom—even your daughter—to join in the fun. Pre-registration is required. Fee: $40 (includes WITO membership, most activity options, breakfast, and a noon meal and a subscription to the WITO magazine). Call Missy at (515) 9616169 ext. 25 form details and registration form.
Adults - $40.00
Child - $40.00
Special Events