Event Summary

THE EVENT- The Osprey 5K will take place Saturday, April 20, 2013 at 9:00 am.
(8:00-8:45 Registration/Packet Pick Up at the Annett Nature Center). The course starts and finishes at the Annett Nature Center, located at 15565 118th Avenue in Indianola. The 3.1 mile route includes Lake Ahquabi State Park. Immediately following the event, snacks and refreshments will be served and prizes will be awarded.
Proceeds from the race will benefit the Annett Nature Center Osprey Project.

AWARDS- The top male and female from the 16+ and under 16 age categories will be awarded.

LOCATION- The Annett Nature Center is located five miles south of Indianola. Travel 4 miles south on Hwy 65/69 and look for the Annett Nature center signs. Turn west on G-58 to Lake Ahquabi and then turn north on 118th Ave.
The ANC is on the east side of the road. A map of the ANC may be downloaded at: http://www.warrenccb.org/areas/anc/anc.html

REGISTRATION BY MAIL OR IN PERSON- $25 by April 12, 2013. $30 after April 12th.
Send completed registration form and payment to:
Friends of Warren County Conservation
c/o Osprey 5K
15565 118th Avenue
Indianola, IA 50125
All mailed forms MUST be post-marked by Monday, April 12, 2013.

REGISTRATION ON DAY OF RACE- Visit the Annett Nature Center office to sign up for the Osprey 5K
Fun Run/Walk on Saturday, April 20, 2013 starting at 8:00 am. Cost is $30 if registering after Friday, April 12th.

VOLUNTEERING AND MORE INFO.- For information on volunteer opportunities for the event, contact
Missy Smith at 515-961-6169 or missysmith@warrenccb.org .


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