Forest Management and Stream Water Quality: A New Twist on an Old Story

Event Summary

Join this interactive workshop to learn more about important roles of understory plants in forest communities! We will look at trends in plant diversity and abundance in the understory as affected by different types of forest management. Landowners will learn about stewardship and the link between forest communities and stream water quality. Participants will explore opportunities to enhance ecological forest functions based on their own forest stewardship goals. New methods of forest restoration, emphasizing understory vegetation, will be discussed and integrated in participant planning for ongoing stewardship.

The workshop will include a brief presentation and engage participants in goal-setting for their forest land. An optional “Forest Foray” in Wesley Woods will follow the workshop.
Comfortable attire/footwear is recommended.

This event is free and open to all forest landowners.
RSVP is preferred (but not required) to or at 319-530-0953.


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