Adventure Race
SEP 24 2011 3:00 PM
Event Summary
Greetings Adventurous Spirit!
The Webster County Adventure Race is set for September 24, 2011 at 3:00 p.m..
Join us as an individual or as a team!! The Course: Your adventure will begin at Amigo's along the Fort Dodge Riverfront. The race will begin at 3:00 p.m. Please be ready to ride at 2:45. Participants will ride bikes to the beach at Kennedy Park (12.2 miles). At the beach, you will transition to a kayak for a 1-mile paddling course on Badger Lake. Following the kayak course, you will run 2.4-miles around the lake to your bike. You will complete your adventure with a 6.8 mile bike ride back to Amigo's. Total journey = 22.4 miles
Metals will be awarded for the top three places in two age categories for male and female individuals & a team division. Finishing times will be posted on the Webster County website following the event. Pre-registration is required for the race. Your registration packet may be picked up Friday, Sept. 23rd at the Chamber of Commerce from 8:30 a.m - 3:00 p.m. or at the registration table before 2:30 p.m. on race day.
New for 2011—5K Trail Run/Walk—the race will begin at 3:00 p.m. at Amigo's. Participants will follow the Soldier Creek Nature Trail for 1.6 miles and return to Amigo's for a total of 3.2 miles. Metals will be awarded for the top three places in two age categories for male and female divisions. Free t-shirt & refreshments. Showers are available at the Fort Dodge Rec Center following the race for $1.50 (1422 1st Ave South 50501. 515-573-7107)
After the race, remember to join us at the After-Party for BBQ food & live music!!!
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