Easter Cache-In Trash-Out

APR 17 2010 1:00 PM

Kennedy Memorial Park , Webster County

Event Summary

Want to look for hidden treasures? Then this will be your chance. A Cache In-Trash Out Event consists of using GPS units to search for hidden treasures while picking up trash along the way. Brushy Creek State Park is hosting a CITO Event to be held on April 17th (the weekend before Earth Day) at 1pm. It will start at the Prairie Resource Building (base camp), south of the park office. At base camp you will be given instruction for those new to the sport, rules and coordinates for the day, and GPS unit checkout available with ID (first-come first-serve). Everyone is welcome to attend, beginners to advanced, children thru adult. Please bring gloves, GPS and data cable (if you have one), comfortable attire/shoes, and a water bottle. Garbage bags will be given out.


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