Event Summary

Sign-Up Instructions:
1. Go to iowadnr.gov
2. On the left side of page click on Courses.
3. In the middle of the page click on iowadnr.gov/training.
4. Towards the bottom of the page find the course you wish to sign-up for.
5. Once you find the course you want to take it will ask you if you have a DNR account. If you don't click on the "here" at the bottom of the ...page to create an account.
‎6. Once you have an account you can go ahead and register for the class.
7. After you get registered online you will need to go to Kieth's Outdoors to pick up the Hunters Safety Manual.
8. Please have the Chapter Reviews finished by the beginning of the first dat of class.

If you have any questions or problems please fee...l free to contact us at 515-576-4258


Special Events