The Dahle Park Shelter House is an open shelter located next to the campground.

Check-In / Out Availability Check-in is after N/A and check-out is before N/A.

Location Located 4 miles northwest of Lake Mills on A16


  • Electricity
  • Fire ring
  • Picnic Table
  • Pressurized water
  • Restroom
Dahle Park is the trail head for the Winnebago River Water Trail, so the shelter house provides a nice starting point for your float!

Hours of Operation & Seasons

Available all year.


21179 485th Street
Ph: 641-565-3390

Lake Mills, IA, 50450


The shelter house may be inaccessible during the winter months.


The shelter house can be reserved for $10. Contact the WCCB to reserve.


Where You'll Be

Winnebago County

The Winnebago County Conservation Board is located in North Central Iowa along the Minnesota border and manages 30 parks, trails, and wildlife areas--all encompassing over 3,500 acres within the county.

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