Spring Wildflowers on Hayden Prairie

Event Summary

The Lake Meyer Nature Center will be hosting a wildflower walk at Hayden Prairie on Sunday afternoon, May 30, beginning at 2:00 p.m. Hayden Prairie is a designated state preserve located in western Howard County about five miles west of Lime Springs, and is one of the largest unplowed chunks of pristine tallgrass prairie sod still left intact in Iowa. Almost all the native grasslands our pioneer ancestors were acquainted with have disapperared into corn and soybean fields, but here we will have the opportunity to see and enjoy the same wildflower favorites the settlers saw. We can expect to find such uncommon and beautiful plants as shooting star, prairie smoke, prairie phlox, cream indigo, blue-eyed grass and golden Alexander. We might even see some bobolinks and meadowlarks flying about the place. I will be leaving Lake Meyer at 12:45 p.m. if you want help in getting to Hayden Prairie. Otherwise, we will be starting the program at Hayden Prairie’s north parking lot at 2:00 p.m. We will probably spend a couple hours wandering over the prairie if the weather is decent. There are no trails so wear appropriate clothing. If you have any questions, call the Lake Meyer Nature Center at 563-534-7145.

