Pohlman Prairie Preserve

Discover Pohlman Prairie Preserve in Dubuque

Located adjacent to Highway 3 & 52 just south of Durango, the Pohlman Prairie Preserve is a unique 23 acre site consisting of native bottomland forest and native prairie remnants on the high bluffs overlooking the Little Maquoketa River valley. It was donated to the Conservation Board in 1998 by the Kolck family in memory of Henry Pohlman, the original owner. A small parking area exists adjacent to the highway, with a steep 1/2 mile switchback trail leading to the top of the limestone bluffs where the prairie remnants are located. This "goat prairie" is in bloom for much of the spring, summer, and fall starting with Pasque flowers in early April and ending in a blush of color from Cylindrical Blazing Stars and various asters in the Fall. Contact: 563-556-6745

Pohlman Prairie Preserve
13491 Rt 52 N
Dubuque, Iowa 52001
PHONE:  (563) 556-6745