Discover Sylvan Hill in Steamboat Rock

Thirty-four acres lie on the northern bank of the Iowa River across from Hardin City Access. The Hardin County Conservation purchased 17 acres from Jesse and Phyllis Mann in 1959 and an additional 17 acres were purchased from the Freese Estate. The land has a high bluff overlooking the Iowa River and is heavily timbered with primarily oak and elm trees. A wide variety of spring wildflowers are abundant in this area.

Sylvan Hill is a primitive recreational area that combines with many other wild settings along the Iowa River to help create the Greenbelt throughout Hardin County.

With the Iowa River creating this park’s southern boundary, you will find overlooks, rugged hills, step bluffs, and a broad flood plain. In the spring many species of wild flowers flourish creating a magnificent show on the forest floor. In the summer months mature red oaks, walnuts, and other hardwoods fill the canopy. The fall season brings brilliant color to the woodlands of Sylvan Hill as hard maples provide accents of oranges, reds and yellows. In the cold winter months this area offers prime viewing of Bald Eagles perching along the Iowa River.

Great views of Bald Eagles and is a beautiful site in the fall.