Gateway Park and Preserve
In 2002, the Iowa County Conservation Board purchased the Gateway Park and Preserve, originally entitled The Iowa River Gateway Park and Preserve, with a grant through the State of Iowa REAP program (Resource Enhancement and Protection). The site includes a 41-acre lake and a 12-acre
pond which were created through the excavation of sand and gravel which
were used for a concrete business. The park encompasses 131 acres right in the middle of the Iowa River Corridor, a nationally recognized wetland preserve including over 18,000 riparian areas. The site also provides access to the Iowa River. Gateway Park and Preserve is open to the public for no-wake boating, fishing, hiking, biking and bird watching. An arboretum, boat ramp, and bird blind are located on the property. A walking trail follows the shoreline of the lake and pond.
A map of the park can be found here.
Gateway Park and Preserve is located 1/2 mile north of the City of Marengo, Iowa at the northern end of Court Avenue and occupies a portion of the southern bank of the Iowa River.