Gifts, Donations & Volunteers


Ever since the Black Hawk County Conservation Board was created in 1956, we have worked closely with volunteers to acquire open space, develop facilities and provide educational and recreational programs.

To get more information on volunteering at Hartman Reserve Nature Center, please call 319-277-2187 or email

 To get more information about volunteering at any of our other parks and/or serve as a campground host call 319-433-7275 or email

Gifts & Donations

There are many ways to donate to Black Hawk County Conservation. We have many ongoing and one-time projects available that need your help.

If you are interested in donating money under $1000, you use the “donate now” link below (credit card), you can send a check to Black Hawk County Conservation, or for cash donations, you can stop by the office at 1346 W. Airline Hwy, Waterloo, Iowa.

If you’d like to specify a specific park or project for this donation, please include that information with your donation. If using the “donate now” button below, please include that information in the “comments” section.

If you’d like to donate a larger amount, please contact us so that we can discuss your donation. For donations going towards Hartman Reserve Nature Center, please contact Amy Davison at or call 319-277-2187. For all other parks/projects, please email or call 319-433-7275.

Planned Giving for Conservation

An endowment fund has been established at the Community Foundation of Northeast Iowa to provide a long-term reliable funding source for Black Hawk County Conservation now, and forever! Because the fund is a permanent endowment fund, your gift may be eligible for a 25% state tax credit. To learn more or donate today, click here.

Donate Now