Welcome to Hardin County!

Explore the Great Outdoors with Hardin County Conservation!

Welcome to beautiful Hardin County!

It is the mission of the Hardin County Conservation Board to:

  • Provide safe and healthful recreational opportunities
  • Protect and enhance county natural resources
  • Offer opportunities for our residents to participate in conservation education

Hardin County Conservation offers various outdoor activities such as hiking, canoeing, hunting, fishing, and camping in its 61 areas spanning over 4,000 acres. The Calkins Nature Area features a museum with a renowned Native American Artifact Collection, while the Sac and Fox Overlook provides impressive views. Visitors can also stay in cozy Tower Rock cabins near Steamboat Rock and enjoy the quiet, friendly little towns and businesses.

Hardin County Conservation

15537 S Ave. Ackley, 50126

Phone: 641-648-4361

Email: conservationhq@hardincountyia.gov

Website: https://www.hardincountyconservation.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HardinCountyIAConservation/



As of April 1, 2024 Hardin County Conservation requires a paid permit and registration for primitive camping at the following parks; Bigelow Park, Cross' Ford River Access, David Bates Memorial Park, Eagle City Park, Iowa Falls River Access, Lepley Park, and Reece Memorial Park.




Seasonal Permit: $100/unit per camping season

*A seasonal permit will allow you to camp in any designated primitive camping area in Hardin County for that year's camping season (April-October).


Daily Permit: $10/unit per night - Daily permits are valid for the number of days paid for, the first night is the night that registration and payment is received. (If you plan on camping more than 10-days in a season at any primitive camping park, we suggest purchasing an annual permit.)


Register & Purchase a Permit: Seasonal Permit / Daily Permit


Reservation Restrictions

Reserved Must be purchased together Your selection