T-Bone Recreational Trail - Audubon Trailhead

T-Bone Trail
T-Bone Trail
T-Bone Trail
View of Nishnabotna River From T-Bone Trail
T-Bone Trail

T-Bone Trail
Nishnabotna River Crossing on T-Bone Trail
T-Bone Trail
T-Bone Trail

Nishnabotna River Bridge on T-Bone Trail

The T-Bone Recreation Trail runs from the city of Audubon into Cass County.  The trail totals 21 miles.  Sixteen of these miles are located in Audubon County.  The trail begins in Audubon and goes south through Hamlin, Exira, Brayton, and into Cass County.  Eventually, the trail will go into Atlantic, Iowa.  The trail is hard surface making it great for biking, walking, running, and rollerblading.  Most of the trail is asphalt with a few miles in the middle made out of concrete.  The T-Bone Trail is a former railroad right of way; purchased with the help of the Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation.  It is named for the T-Bone event that originated in the 1950s in Audubon when the farmers all loaded up their cattle on to a train and rode with them to market in Chicago.  The trail has taken over fifteen years to complete.  Funding needed to be in place before the project was started.  Funding was received through various grants and donations from organizations and agencies such as Statewide Enhancement Grants, the Iowa West Foundation, Schildberg Foundation, Audubon County Endowment Fund, Nishna Valley Trails, Audubon State Bank, Exchange State Band, Landmans Bank, and Audubon Travelers.  The trail has been designated as an American Discovery Trail.


The north trail head begins at the church on the south side of Audubon.  



The trail is eight feet wide and hard surfaced.  
The Audubon Trailhead is located near Albert the Bull, the world's largest bull.

Operating Hours & Seasons

The trail is open to users year round.  Snow usually is not removed in the winter.


Trail is closed to motorized vehicles and horses.